instrument types
In Natya Shastra, Sage Bharat Muni has given the classification of instruments.
Stringed instruments (Tat Vadya)
Wind instruments (Sushir Vadya)
Percussion instruments - membranophone instruments (Avanaddha Vadya)
Idiophone instruments (Ghana Vadya)
Stringed instruments
Includes instruments with strings. Divided in two types
Tat instruments
Produce a note by striking the strings with certain objects.
Veena, Sitar, Sarod, Santoor, etc
Vitat instruments
Played with the help of a bow
Sound created by the friction of the bow upon the strings
Sarangi, Violin, Dilruba, Tar-Shehnai, etc
Wind instruments
Produce a sound by blowing air
Includes Shehnai, Clarinet, Harmonium
For harmonium, the air pressure created by the plate creates the sound
Percussion instruments
Instruments made out of wood, mud, metal, or stone and have a face comprised of animal hide. In ancient times, an instrument called Bhoomi-Dundubhi existed, with a large hole dug in the ground and an animal hide which was struck with wooden sticks.
When Sage Swati noticed the trickling of water upon a group of small and large lotuses in a body of water, he used the inspiration to create instruments such as Mridang, Dundhubi, Aalingya, Urdhwak, and Ankik.
Old instruments mentioned in texts: Tripushkar, Mridang, Damru, etc
Modern age instruments: Pakhawaaj, Tabla, Dholki, Dholak, Dhol, Daf, etc
Idiophone instruments
Instruments played by metals striking against each other.
Examples: Tal, Ghunghroo, Jhanjh, etc
Tal is used in devotional songs (Bhajans)
Stringed and wind instruments can play multiple musical notes / swars
Idiophonic instruments and percussion instruments such as tabla do not produce multiple musical notes. The tabla is tuned to a single musical note (such as C or C sharp). Both these types of instruments indicate the laya and taal, which can be beneficial for the main artist for stability.